

・基本パッケージとなる "BoB/Research"

・筋電図解析を追加した "BoB/EMG"

・人間工学分析を追加した "BoB/Ergo"

・教育用に最適な "BoB/Teaching"


機能 BoB/Research BoB/EMG BoB/Ergo BoB/Teaching
Point position/vel/acc
Velocity vectors
Joint contact forces
Segmental orientation
Joint angles
Muscle forces
Anatomical trajectories
Joint ranges of motion
Muscle lengths
Centre of mass position
Joint torques
Muscle contraction rates
Body energy/power
Ground reaction forces
Muscle energy/power
Comparative analysis of multiple tasks and multiple people
Continuous analysis performing calculations every fraction of a second
Dynamic analysis to calculate loading and torques within the body
Input of data activities
Analysis and display of EMG signals
Integration of EMG signal with Motion capture, video and biomechanical analysis
Sensitivity analysis to the workplace variables
REBA, RULA scores, the NIOSH revised lifting equation, ISO11228, spinal compression and shear forces, cumulative forces and cumulative torques
Pre-loaded with example activities
インターフェース BoB/Research BoB/EMG BoB/Ergo BoB/Teaching
C3D using the Helen Hayes marker set
Real time streaming from MVN Analyze Plus/Pro: This requires optional streaming module
CALC from Perception Neuron
BVH in Biovision, Motion Builder and Rokoko variants
HPF from Delsys for EMG signals
Text files generated by any EMG equipment
CSV of Euler joint angles